Shipping Policy

Small Package Deliveries
Shipping typically takes between 3-5 business days.
For smaller UPS or FedEx deliveries that are damaged in transit, instead of refusing the package, please contact our store immediately. If damages are reported within 7 days for UPS or FedEx deliveries, we can file a claim on behalf of the customer and work to quickly resolve it. Please be aware that replacements or refunds can be hindered or denied if the customer fails to notify Hotel Enhancements of defective or damaged merchandise within two business days of receipt. 

Large Package Deliveries
Immediate inspection is especially important when receiving large items (such as a chandelier, large pendant, or glass items) from common freight carriers. In this case, it is important to notate any damage on the bill of lading or receipt when you sign for the delivery, even if the package appears only slightly damaged. Customers who sign for delivery and do not notate "damage" assume responsibility if merchandise is damaged. If the product itself appears significantly damaged, you may refuse delivery. Please notify our store of refusal so we can anticipate the return and send out a new item. Hotelenhancements will repair or replace the damaged or defective goods for no additional charge. If a return is desired instead of replacement, the "Standard Return Policy" above applies and there may be a restocking fee and our initial shipping and handling costs will be deducted from the credit. Failure to follow return procedure for the damaged item may result in a charge for the free replacement item. Returned items that are found to be in working condition or shipped as ordered may not be eligible for a refund. In such a case, Hotel Enhancements will email you for your decision on whether to ship the item back to you at your expense or be refunded with a 50% restocking fee and store credit. 

Cancellation Request
If you would like to cancel an order that has not shipped from our store or the manufacturer, simply contact us at (972)-236-7184. Then, we will submit a request to the manufacturer for cancellation. Shortly after, you will receive an email acknowledging your cancellation request followed by another email either confirming the cancellation or stating that we were unable to cancel. Please allow up to 24 hours for confirmation of cancellation. Please be aware that some items may have already shipped from our store or the manufacturer and be in route for final delivery to you. In such a case, cancellation fees may apply. Once an order has already shipped, it cannot be cancelled, rerouted or redirected. If you would like to return the item, you will need to follow the "Standard Return Policy". Do not refuse the delivery of non-damaged goods as this will result in up to a 50% restocking fee. A delivery refusal may also result in the loss of your product and may void any possibility of a refund. You may also be charged for roundtrip shipping costs. Some items that are custom made or built-to-order cannot be cancelled. 

Items on Backorder
If you are cancelling an order due to backorder, we recommend you first call our store to verify the accuracy of the date before making your final decision. There are times when manufacturers have stated items as backordered, only to find that they have already shipped or are going out the next day. On the other hand, if the item is truly unavailable for an extended period, we sincerely apologize for the delay. Please note that since a cancellation request is time sensitive, please do not email or leave voice messages regarding your intention as it may slow the process down. It is important that you get a hold of a store associate directly at (972)-236-7184.